Financial Instruments and Counting
bitFORTUNE is the native cryptocurrency of The bitFORTUNE Platform.
bitFORTUNE is a sophisticated financial instrument employing direct select underlying asset exposure, mathematical paradigm investment strategies, automated trading, and smart contracts to achieve long term steady growth of purchasing power. The composition of this product is the bitFORTUNE Portfolio.
A percentage of the bitFORTUNE Portfolio is dedicated to automated trading. Scientific automated trading is designed to exploit the high volatility of cryptocurrency to build the value of bitFORTUNE Cryptocurrency. Automated trading details may be examined on the bitFORTUNE Trading Page.
Of the bitFORTUNE Portfolio goals is to build value into the asset via useful smart contracts. Professionally designed decentralized applications is inclusive of the underlying composition of bitFORTUNE Cryptocurrency. Smart contract particulars may be examined on the bitFORTUNE Smart Contract Page.
bitFORTUNE USD is a stable derivative essentially pegged to the United States Dollar.
USD may have strategies applied meant to have the asset exceed the value of its primary underlying asset.
bitFORTUNE Gold is a commodity derivative essentially pegged to the spot price of gold.
bitFORTUNE Gold may have strategies applied meant to have the asset exceed the value of its primary underlying asset.
bitFORTUNE Silver is a commodity derivative essentially pegged to the spot price of silver.
bitFORTUNE Silver may have strategies applied meant to have the asset exceed the value of its primary underlying asset.
bitFORTUNE Stock is a stock derivative that is a composition of select stock.
bitFORTUNE Stock is designed as a long term position to capitalize on select stock accumulated over time.
bitFORTUNE Oil is a commodity derivative that is a composition of select oil based assets.
bitFORTUNE Oil is designed as a long term position to capitalize on select oil based assets accumulated over time.
bitFORTUNE Real Estate is a commodity derivative that is a composition of select real estate based assets.
bitFORTUNE Real Estate is designed as a long term position to capitalize on select real estate based assets accumulated over time.
bitFORTUNE BTC is blue chip cryptocurrency derivative essentially pegged to the spot price of Bitcoin.
bitFORTUNE BTC is designed with an automated trading feature and a dollar cost averaging strategy meant to have the asset exceed the value of its primary underlying asset.
bitFORTUNE ETH is a blue chip cryptocurrency derivative essentially pegged to the spot price of Ethereum.
bitFORTUNE ETH is designed with an automated trading feature and a dollar cost averaging strategy meant to have the asset exceed the value of its primary underlying asset.
bitFORTUNE ALT is a cryptocurrency alt coin derivative essentially pegged to a basket of cryptocurrency alt coins. Expert market research is performed to select alt coins meeting defined parameters for composition inclusion.
bitFORTUNE ALT is designed with a dollar cost averaging strategy meant to strategically build the value of the derivative.
bitFORTUNE DEFI is a decentralized finance derivative that employs strategies in the decentralized finance arena.
bitFORTUNE DEFI is designed as a composition of strategically managed positions in decentralized finance.
bitFORTUNE TRADE is a derivative backed by a scientifically designed cryptocurrency automated trading algorithm.
bitFORTUNE TRADE is designed to build value trading the high volatility of cryptocurrency markets by automation.
bitFORTUNE Lotto is a derivative backed by in-house professionally and scientifically designed smart contract lotteries and/or other deemed worthy venues in the classification.
bitFORTUNE Lotto contracts aim to provide the best odds mathematically possible in the lottery arena to entertain speculators. For the effort a negligible fee may be applied in the contract to maintain it and generate revenue for the derivative. This is significant per widespread usage.
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