


The bitFORTUNE TRADE Derivative is defined to provide an option on The bitFORTUNE Platform to expose value to an automated cryptocurrency trading algorithm. The goal of the algorithm is to increase stable value by exploiting the high volatility of selected cryptocurrency assets by going long and/or shorting the markets.

The bitFORTUNE TRADE automated trading algorithm has been in development for years. Scientific methods are applied for algorithm logic, back-testing and implementation to exchange APIs. The current implementation back-testing statistics predicts 40% to 150% annually depending upon market volatility. The algorithm is designed to draw down between 20% and 40%. It is recommended to gauge algorithm performance per 3 to 6 month intervals.

The bitFORTUNE TRADE derivative fee structure is simple, comprised of a front end and back end fee. The front end fee is 5% and the back end fee is 10%. Fees go towards administrative transaction processing and maintenance.

AssetName AssetName Asset Statistics Table & Charts' Definitions

AssetName AssetName Asset Statistics Table

AssetName AssetName Cryptocurrency

The Cryptocurrency column of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table displays the bitFORTUNE asset name followed by the logo and beneath that is the symbol for the asset.

Real time updates for a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table is time stamped and appears at the footer of the Cryptocurrency column.

AssetName AssetName USD/BFASSET

The USD/BFASSET cell of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table indicates the current price per BFASSET in circulation. The price is quoted in USD per BFASSET.

The bitFORTUNE asset price over time is plotted in the bitFORTUNE USD Price Chart.

The bitFORTUNE asset price is periodically updated automatically. The update is time stamped and appears just beneath the logo and symbol. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName BTC/BFASSET

The BTC/BFASSET cell of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table indicates the current price per BFASSET in circulation. The price is quoted in Bitcoin (BTC) per BFASSET.

The bitFORTUNE asset price over time is plotted in the bitFORTUNE BTC Price Chart.

The bitFORTUNE asset price is periodically updated automatically. The update is time stamped and appears just beneath the logo and symbol. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName 24h

The 24h value of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table displays the price percent change of BFASSET over the last 24 hours.

The 24h value is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName 7d

The 7d value of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table displays the price percent change of BFASSET over the last 7 days.

The 7d value is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Market Capitalization

The Market Capitalization cell of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table is the current market capitalization of the asset. Market capitalization is quoted in USD. This value is calculated by taking the product of the asset tokens in circulation and the price of BFASSET tokens.

The market capitalization is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Circulating Supply

The Circulating Supply cell of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table is the current circulating supply of BFASSET tokens. The circulating supply is quoted in BFASSET.

The circulating supply is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Ask, Spot & Bid Prices

The ask, spot and bid prices are selectable via radio buttons in the footer of a bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table. The default is the spot price.

Once a radio button is selected the USD/BFASSET and BTC/BFASSET prices will be updated to the selected price with the next real time update. The real time update may be acknowledged by noticing the price time stamp update in the footer of the bitFORTUNE Asset Statistics Table.

The ask price is the price maintained by the administrative account that designates the lowest price the administrative account is willing to sell BFASSET tokens for. The ask price is a spread from the spot price that represents the front end administrative fee for BFASSET tokens.

The spot price is the net asset value of BFASSET tokens.

The bid price is the price maintained by the administrative account that represents the highest price the administrative account is willing to buy BFASSET tokens for. The bid price is a spread from the spot price that represents the back end administrative fee for BFASSET tokens.

AssetName AssetName USD Price Chart

A bitFORTUNE USD Price Chart plots the price of BFASSET tokens at a specified time frequency quoted in United States Dollar. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is Price (USD).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

AssetName AssetName BTC Price Chart

A bitFORTUNE BTC Price Chart plots the price of BFASSET tokens at a specified time frequency quoted in Bitcoin. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is Bitcoin (BTC).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

AssetName AssetName Market Capitalization Chart

A bitFORTUNE Market Capitalization Chart plots the market capitalization of BFASSET at a specified time frequency quoted in United States Dollar. Market capitalization is the sum of the value of all assets that comprise the composition of a bitFORTUNE asset. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is market capitalization (USD).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

bitFORTUNE TRADE Asset Statistics

bitFORTUNE TRADE USD/BFTRADE 24h Market Capitalization
BFTRADE $ 0.99644511 -0.06% $ 37,998.60
BTC/BFTRADE 7d Circulating Supply
0.00001679 BTC +0.33% 38,134.1627062 BFTRADE
TUE SEP 17 2024 13:15:10 UTC ask spot bid



bitFORTUNE TRADE Market Capitalization

bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary

BFTRADE BFTRADE Trading Summary Table


The Position column of the bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary Table designates a row per major aspect of the automated trader. This includes the summary of stable value quoted in USD, summaries of long and short positions, and a total row for column totals.


The Invested column of the bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary Table is how much value was invested in that position. This value is quoted in USD.

The footer of the table contains a total for the Invested column. This total represents how much value was channeled to purchasing positions for automated trading.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value of the invested amount since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The % Gain column of the bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary Table indicates the current percent gain or loss of all long and short positions currently active in trading as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables.

Percentages are calculated as the percent variation from the total stable value allocated to long or short positions at trade initiation. Gains are expressed as a positive value and losses are expressed as a negative value.

The footer of the table contains a total for the % Gain column that is the total percent variation for both long and short positions.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value of the percent gain or loss since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The Profit column of the bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary Table indicates the current profit of all long and short positions currently active in trading as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables. Values are quoted in USD.

Profit is calculated as the product of the amount invested and the percent gain for all long and short positions. Profit may appear as a positive or negative value.

The footer of the table contains a total profit for both current long and short positions.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value of the profit since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The Value column of the bitFORTUNE TRADE Trading Summary Table indicates the current total value of stable, long and short positions. Values are quoted in USD.

Stable value is relatively static with small variation between USD and USDT. Long and short values are calculated as the sum of the amount of each asset in the long and short composition as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables times its current price.

The footer of the table contains a total for the Value column that is the sum of all row values.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

Position Invested % Gain Profit Value
USDT $ 1,524.94
Long $ 50,715.70 -28.08% $ -14,242.03 $ 36,473.66
Short $ 0.00 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
TOTAL $ 50,715.70 -28.08% $ -14,242.03 $ 37,998.60

bitFORTUNE TRADE Positions

BFTRADE BFTRADE Long & Short Positions Tables


bitFORTUNE TRADE automated trading takes long and short positions for markets in trading. Two tables are dedicated to displaying the granularity of these positions. The header of each table indicates either Long Positions or Short Positions designating those positions respectively.

BFTRADE BFTRADE Cryptocurrency

The Cryptocurrency column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Positions Table indicates assets active in automated trading.

The image per cell represents that cryptocurrencies logo. The name of the cryptocurrency is hyperlinked to the primary web site dedicated to that asset.


The Amount column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Positions Table indicates the amount of that asset currently active in automated trading. The unit of the amount is denoted by the symbol of the cryptocurrency.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the amount since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The Price column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Positions Table is the current market price of that asset. All prices are quoted in USD.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the price of the asset since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The % Gain column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Position Table indicates the current percent gain or loss of a long or short position currently active in trading as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables.

Percentages are calculated as the percent variation from the total stable value allocated to a long or short position at trade initiation. Gains are expressed as a positive value and losses are expressed as a negative value.

The footer of the table contains a total for the % Gain column that is the total percent variation for long or short positions per table.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value of the percent gain or loss since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The Value column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Position Table indicates the current total value of a long or short position currently active in trading as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables. Values are quoted in USD.

Long and short values are calculated as the amount of the asset times its current price.

The footer of the table contains a total for the Value column that is the sum of all row values.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red


The Profit column of a bitFORTUNE TRADE Position Table indicates the current profit of a long or short position currently active in trading as displayed in the Long & Short Positions Tables. Values are quoted in USD.

Profit is calculated as the product of the amount invested and the percent gain for a long or short position. Profit may appear as a positive or negative value.

The footer of the table contains a total profit for either the current long or short positions per respective table.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value of the profit since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

bitFORTUNE TRADE Long Positions

LONGLong PositionsLONG
# Cryptocurrency Amount Price % Gain Value Profit
BTC Bitcoin 0.1022 BTC $ 59,313.2000 -13.80% $ 6,062.82 $ -970.93
ETH Ethereum 3.2142 ETH $ 2,319.2300 -19.96% $ 7,454.46 $ -1,859.08
LTC Litecoin 148.7079 LTC $ 62.7380 -17.94% $ 9,329.63 $ -2,039.38
BCH Bitcoin Cash 23.9605 BCH $ 314.3800 -38.28% $ 7,532.69 $ -4,670.99
ADA Cardano 18,316.9592 ADA $ 0.3327 -43.55% $ 6,094.05 $ -4,701.65
TOTAL -28.08% $ 36,473.66 $ -14,242.03

bitFORTUNE TRADE Short Positions

SHORTShort PositionsSHORT
# Cryptocurrency Amount Price % Gain Value Profit
BTC.S Bitcoin S 0.0000 BTC.S $ 59,313.2000 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
ETH.S Ethereum S 0.0000 ETH.S $ 2,319.2300 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
LTC.S Litecoin S 0.0000 LTC.S $ 62.7380 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
BCH.S Bitcoin Cash S 0.0000 BCH.S $ 314.3800 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
ADA.S Cardano S 0.0000 ADA.S $ 0.3327 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00
TOTAL 0.00% $ 0.00 $ 0.00