

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives Definition

All Derivatives itself is not a tokenized asset on the bitFORTUNE Platform.

The bitFORTUNE All Derivatives section is defined to provide aggregate information for composition performance.

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Statistics Table & Charts' Definitions

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Statistics Table

AssetName AssetName Aggregate

The Aggregate column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table displays the bitFORTUNE aggregate name followed by the logo and beneath that is the symbol for the aggregate.

Real time updates for a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table is time stamped and appears at the footer of the Aggregate column.

AssetName AssetName USD/AGGREGATE

The USD/AGGREGATE cell of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table indicates the current price per AGGREGATE in circulation. The price is quoted in USD per AGGREGATE.

The bitFORTUNE aggregate price over time is plotted in the bitFORTUNE USD Price Chart.

The bitFORTUNE aggregate price is periodically updated automatically. The update is time stamped and appears just beneath the logo and symbol. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName BTC/AGGREGATE

The BTC/AGGREGATE cell of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table indicates the current price per AGGREGATE in circulation. The price is quoted in Bitcoin (BTC) per AGGREGATE.

The bitFORTUNE aggregate price over time is plotted in the bitFORTUNE BTC Price Chart.

The bitFORTUNE aggregate price is periodically updated automatically. The update is time stamped and appears just beneath the logo and symbol. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName 24h

The 24h value of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table displays the price percent change of AGGREGATE over the last 24 hours.

The 24h value is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName 7d

The 7d value of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table displays the price percent change of AGGREGATE over the last 7 days.

The 7d value is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Market Capitalization

The Market Capitalization cell of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table is the current market capitalization of the aggregate. Market capitalization is quoted in USD. This value is calculated by taking the product of the aggregate tokens in circulation and the price of AGGREGATE.

The market capitalization is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Circulating Supply

The Circulating Supply cell of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Statistics Table is the current circulating supply of AGGREGATE tokens. The circulating supply is quoted in AGGREGATE.

The circulating supply is periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName USD Aggregate Price Chart

A bitFORTUNE USD Aggregate Price Chart plots the price of aggregated tokens at a specified time frequency quoted in United States Dollar. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is Price (USD).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

AssetName AssetName BTC Aggregate Price Chart

A bitFORTUNE BTC Aggregate Price Chart plots the price of aggregated tokens at a specified time frequency quoted in Bitcoin. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is Bitcoin (BTC).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Market Capitalization Chart

A bitFORTUNE Aggregate Market Capitalization Chart plots the market capitalization of AGGREGATE at a specified time frequency quoted in United States Dollar. Market capitalization is the sum of the value of all assets that comprise the composition of an aggregate. The X axis of the chart is time and the Y axis of the chart is market capitalization (USD).

The chart has many features for price inspection including specifying time period and hovering for point data. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives' Aggregate Statistics

bitFORTUNE All USD/ALL 24h Market Capitalization
ALL $ 0.73584652 +0.90% $ 264,928.48
BTC/ALL 7d Circulating Supply
0.00000766 BTC +2.02% 360,032.2559327 ALL
THU FEB 13 2025 08:19:29 UTC

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives USD Price Chart

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives BTC Price Chart

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives Market Capitalization

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives Composition

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Composition Table & Chart Definitions

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Composition Table

AssetName AssetName Cryptocurrency

The Cryptocurrency column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table indicates assets that comprise the composition of an aggregate.

The image per cell represents that cryptocurrencies logo. The name of the cryptocurrency is hyperlinked to the primary web site dedicated to that asset.

AssetName AssetName Amount

The Amount column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table indicates the current amount of an asset in the composition. The unit of the amount is denoted by the symbol of the cryptocurrency.

For aggregate compositions the footer of the table contains a total for the Amount column that is the sum of all values.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the amount since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Price

The Price column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table indicates the current market price per asset. All prices are quoted in USD.

For aggregate compositions the footer of the table contains a total for the Price column that is the average of all values.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the price of the asset since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName 24h

The 24h value of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table displays the price percent change of an asset over the last 24 hours.

The footer of the table contains a weighted total for the 24h column. This weight is from all assets listed in the composition having an active position.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the 24h of the asset since the last check:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Value

The Value column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table indicates the current total value of a position currently active in the composition. Values are quoted in USD.

Values are calculated as the amount of the asset times its current price.

The footer of the table contains a total for the Value column that is the sum of all values.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Adjusted

The Adjusted column of a bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Table indicates the current total adjusted value of a position currently active in the composition. Values are quoted in USD.

Adjusted values pertain only to Aggregate Derivatives' components that have non-zero ownership of other derivatives in the same category. If there is not at least one of these in the aggregate composition there is no need for the Adjusted column to display.

Adjusted Values are calculated as the amount of the asset times its current price minus any derivatives in that assets composition when that derivative is in the same category as that asset. This gives the real value of the Aggregate Derivative as values of derivative components are included in the market capitalization only once.

The footer of the table contains a total for the Adjusted column that is the sum of all values. This value is the market capitalization of the Aggregate Derivative.

Values are periodically updated automatically. If the value since the last calculation:

  • has no variance display black
  • increases in value display green
  • decreases in value display red

AssetName AssetName Aggregate Composition Chart

A bitFORTUNE Aggregate Composition Chart displays the percentage of market capitalization per asset comprising the composition of an aggregate.

The chart has many features for percentage inspection including hovering for percentage data per asset. Note the "refresh chart" feature at the bottom right of the chart to refresh inspection.

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives Composition Table

# Cryptocurrency Amount Price 24h Value Adjusted
BFRE bitFORTUNE RE 7,500.0000000 BFRE $ 1.00742678 +0.17% $ 7,555.70 $ 1,708.66
BFOIL bitFORTUNE Oil 14,776.1600000 BFOIL $ 1.02452480 -0.31% $ 15,138.54 $ 3,392.00
BFLOTTO bitFORTUNE Lotto 856.5003420 BFLOTTO $ 0.58003407 +1.42% $ 496.80 $ 496.80
BFTRADE bitFORTUNE TRADE 71,938.5280953 BFTRADE $ 1.56104862 +0.68% $ 112,299.54 $ 112,299.54
BFDEFI bitFORTUNE DEFI 64,633.0319572 BFDEFI $ 0.21051446 -2.04% $ 13,606.19 $ 13,606.19
BFALT bitFORTUNE ALT 122,932.9374823 BFALT $ 0.38905688 +2.18% $ 47,827.91 $ 47,827.91
BFETH bitFORTUNE ETH 20,322.6691498 BFETH $ 1.02650393 +2.53% $ 20,861.30 $ 20,861.30
BFBTC bitFORTUNE BTC 27,681.3804552 BFBTC $ 1.46891169 +0.00% $ 40,661.50 $ 40,661.50
BFSTOCK bitFORTUNE Stock 3,792.6967509 BFSTOCK $ 1.69531203 +0.02% $ 6,429.80 $ 367.69
BFSLVR bitFORTUNE Silver 3,708.9800000 BFSLVR $ 1.04336772 +1.16% $ 3,869.83 $ 3,843.54
BFGOLD bitFORTUNE Gold 2,026.0200000 BFGOLD $ 1.00000000 0.00% $ 2,026.02 $ 0.00
BFUSD bitFORTUNE USD 19,863.3517000 BFUSD $ 1.00000000 0.00% $ 19,863.35 $ 19,863.35
TOTAL 360,032.2559327 BFASSET $ 1.00055842 +0.79% $ 290,636.48 $ 264,928.48

bitFORTUNE All Derivatives Composition Chart